Featured Market


Heathcare facilities demand a higher level of expertise and capability.

You can count on the seasoned experts at CarolinaPower to deliver. We have a track record of exceptional performance on a range of complex healthcare projects throughout the Carolinas.

We have experience with the following facilities

  • Hospitals

  • Laboratories

  • Imaging Centers

  • Surgery Centers

  • Clinics

  • Nursing and Long-Term Care Facilities

  • Medical Office Buildings

What we do

  • New Construction

  • Renovations

  • Service

credentials and specialized training required for healthcare facilities

  • ASHE Healthcare Construction Certificate

  • CICTI Certified Healthcare Manager

  • ITC Electrical Thermography Certified

  • HEPA Cart Infectious Control Trained

  • NFPA-99 Electrical Ground Impedance Testing

  • STI & Hilti Fire Stop Certified

  • LEED Green Associate